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The Benefits of HubSpot Over Mailchimp

Written by Kenny Lloyd | Oct 27, 2022 4:38:00 PM

HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing platform that can help you grow your business.


With HubSpot, you can automate your marketing tasks, including email marketing, social media campaigns, and lead generation.


One of the many great things about HubSpot is its workflow tool. Workflows allow you to automate marketing tasks, including email marketing campaigns. For example, you can create a workflow that automatically sends a follow-up email to leads who don't open your initial email campaign. This follow-up email can be customized to include different content or a different call to action depending on the lead's interests. Additionally, workflows can automate other marketing tasks, such as social media campaigns and lead generation.


HubSpot also provides valuable insights that can help you optimize your marketing efforts and better decide where to allocate your resources.


When it comes to marketing, it's crucial to be able to track your efforts and measure their return on investment (ROI). HubSpot's Campaign Analytics tool allows you to do just that. With Campaign Analytics, you can track the success of your marketing campaigns and see how they impact your business. This information can help you make informed decisions about your marketing budget and tactics.


For example, if you notice that a particular campaign is not generating the results you were hoping for, you can adjust your strategy accordingly. Alternatively, if you find that a campaign is performing well, you can invest more resources into it to maximize its impact. Campaign Analytics provides valuable insights into the performance of your marketing campaigns, so be sure to use it!


In addition, HubSpot offers a wide range of features that can help you streamline your marketing processes and scale your operations as your business grows.


Mailchimp is good for email marketing but doesn't offer as many features as HubSpot.


Mailchimp's email marketing features are good, but they don't hold a candle to the features offered by HubSpot.


Customers can get some use out of Mailchimp using the following features:

- Automated Emails

- A/B Testing

- Email Templates

- Segmentation

- RSS to Email


Not only does HubSpot offer these same tools, but they are also, in fact, superior versions. HubSpot's automated emails are more customizable and come with built-in workflows. Additionally, HubSpot's A/B testing is more robust and provides more significant insights. HubSpot's email templates are also more flexible and can be easily customized to fit your brand's specific needs. Finally, HubSpot's segmentation capabilities are much more powerful, allowing


With HubSpot, you can use workflows to automate your email marketing campaigns.


It has automated email marketing that's as easy as pie.


With HubSpot, you can use workflows to automatically enroll contacts after they meet specific criteria and send them personalized marketing emails. Then, send a follow-up email to leads who don't open your initial email campaign. This follow-up email can be customized to include different content or a different call to action depending on the lead's interests. Eventually, once they convert, the workflow's goal metric will be updated, and you'll be able to report on the success of that workflow.


You can also customize your email templates to match your brand's identity.


When it comes to marketing, branding is critical. Your marketing materials need to be instantly recognizable as belonging to your company. This helps to create a sense of trust and familiarity with your customers.


One way to create a strong brand identity is by using custom email templates. These templates should match the look and feel of your website and other marketing materials. This will help to create a unified look and feel across all of your marketing materials, which will help to strengthen your brand identity.


Also, custom email templates can help you stand out from the competition. Most other businesses will be using the default email templates provided by their email service provider, so you'll be able to set yourself apart by using custom templates. This can help you attract new customers and build loyalty among your current customers.


HubSpot's email templates are straightforward to customize, allowing you to create a unified look and feel for all your marketing materials. You can easily change the templates' fonts, colors, and images to match your branding. Additionally, you can add your logo to the templates and customize the text to fit your needs.


One of the great things about HubSpot is that it allows you to create personalized email content using Smart Content easily. With Smart Content, you can automatically insert contact data into your email templates, allowing you to create custom emails specifically tailored to each contact. This can help you to increase your response rate and improve your conversion rates.


Additionally, using Smart Content can help you to save time. You no longer have to enter contact data into your email templates manually; HubSpot will take care of that for you. This allows you to quickly create customized emails relevant to each contact.


This customization flexibility makes it easy for you to create unique email templates that stand out from the competition. Using custom email templates, you can ensure that your marketing materials always look their best. This will help to attract new customers and keep current customers engaged.


Additionally, HubSpot provides detailed tracking and reporting features that allow you to see how your campaigns are performing.


HubSpot's email marketing metrics allow you to track the success of your campaigns and measure the return on investment (ROI) of your email marketing efforts. With HubSpot, you can follow the following metrics:


-Opens: This metric measures how many people opened your email campaign.

-Clicks: This metric measures how many people clicked on a link in your email campaign.

-Bounces: This metric measures how many people received your email but did not open it.

-Unsubscribes: This metric measures how many people unsubscribed from your email campaign.

-Complaints: This metric measures how many people marked your email as spam.


By tracking these metrics, you can see which of your email campaigns are most successful and which ones need improvement. You can also use this data to calculate the ROI of your email marketing efforts.


This data can be used to create a list of people who have previously opened your emails.


This list can be used to target these individuals with re-targeting ads. Re-targeting ads are specifically targeted to people who have already shown an interest in your product or service.


Using this list, you can ensure that the most relevant individuals see your re-targeting ads. This can help you increase your re-targeting campaigns' effectiveness and improve your conversion rates.


With HubSpot's custom behavioral events, you can get even more granular with your tracking and analytics.


HubSpot's Custom Behavioral Events feature allows you to track specific actions your contacts take on your website. This data can be used to create detailed reports that show you which steps your contacts are taking on your website.


For example, you can track the following actions:

-Downloads: This metric measures how many people downloaded a file from your website.

-Visits to a specific page: This metric measures how many people visited a specific page on your website.

-Fill out a form: This metric measures how many people filled out a form on your website.


By tracking these actions, you can see which pages on your website are getting the most traffic and which pages are converting the best. This data can improve your website's design and increase your conversion rates.


This data can be used to create targeted ads specifically tailored to individuals who have taken a specific action on your website. For example, you could make an ad targeted to people who have visited a particular page on your website.


Using this data, you can ensure that the most relevant individuals see your ads. This can help you improve your ads' effectiveness and increase your conversion rates.


HubSpot has a powerful CRM that can help you track and analyze your leads' behavior.


HubSpot's CRM is a powerful tool that can help track and analyze your leads' behavior.


HubSpot's CRM comes with various tools that can help you organize and segment your leads. These tools include the following:


1. Lead Lists: This tool allows you to create lists of leads based on a variety of criteria. You can create lists based on location, company size, or any other criteria you choose.


2. Lead Scoring: This tool allows you to assign points to leads based on their behavior. You can give points for things such as visiting your website, filling out a form, or downloading a file.


3. Custom Properties: This feature allows tracking specific data about your leads. This data can be used to create detailed reports that show you which properties your leads are interested in. For example, you can track the following properties:

-Contact's job title: This property allows you to track the job title.

-Contact's company size: This property allows you to track the company size.

-Contact's location: This property allows you to track the contact's location.


4. Deal Pipelines: This is a feature that allows you to track the progress of your deals. The Deal Pipelines feature comes with various tools that can help you organize and track your deals. These tools include the following:

  • Deal Pipeline Reports: This report allows you to see the progress of your deals. You can see how many deals are in each stage of the pipeline and which deals are close to closing.
  • Deal Stage Filters: This filter allows you to see all the deals in a specific pipeline stage. This can be helpful when you want to focus on one particular stage of the pipeline.
  • Pipeline View: This view allows you to see your deals in a single view. This can be helpful when you want to get an overview of your entire pipeline.
  • Deal Properties: This feature allows tracking specific data about your deals. This data can create detailed reports showing you which properties your deals are interested in. For example, you can track the following properties:
    • Deal value: This property allows you to track the deal's value.
    • Deal status: This property allows you to track the deal's status (open, closed, lost, won, etc.).


5. CRM Reports: This tool allows you to create detailed reports about your leads' behavior. You can see which pages they visit on your website, how many times they have contacted you, and more.


These tools allow you to effectively organize and segment your leads to focus your efforts on the ones most likely to convert.


With its many features, including tracking interactions, creating customized workflows, and generating reports, HubSpot's CRM can help you keep your leads organized and your pipeline full.


HubSpot's CRM can also get real-time notifications about prospects opening your emails. The CRM's Email Activity feature allows you to see which prospects are opening your emails, and it also allows you to see which links they are clicking on.


This feature can be helpful when you want to see which emails are being opened and which links are being clicked on. This information can help optimize your email campaigns and improve your conversion rates.


With HubSpot's Operations Hub, you can clean and format your data so it is ready to be used in reports and dashboards. The Operations Hub comes with various tools that can help you clean and format your data. These tools include the following:


1. Data Cleansing: This tool allows you to clean your data by removing duplicate records, correcting invalid values, and more.

2. Data Formatting: This tool allows you to format your data so that it is ready to be used in reports and dashboards. You can format your data by column, row, or table. You can also create custom formats for your data.

3. Data Joining: This tool allows you to join two or more datasets to create reports and dashboards with multiple datasets.


The Operations Hub can help you to clean and format your data so that it is ready to be used in reports and dashboards. With its many tools, including the ability to correct invalid values, format data by column, row, or table, and join two or more datasets, the Operations Hub can help you create comprehensive reports and dashboards.


And because it's an all-in-one platform, HubSpot's CRM can also help you save time and money by consolidating your sales, marketing, and customer service tools into one easy-to-use platform.


Having a unified piece of technology across all your teams can improve your business performance. This is because a unified platform allows you to share data and insights between your teams easily. When your teams can easily share data and insights, they can work together more effectively and achieve better results.


A unified platform can also help you to save money. This is because a unified platform allows you to consolidate your tools into one platform. When you consolidate your tools into one platform, you can save money on licensing fees, hardware costs, and more.


HubSpot is that unified platform that can help you save money and improve your business performance by consolidating your sales, marketing, and customer service tools into one easy-to-use platform. With HubSpot, all your teams can easily share data and insights, allowing them to work together more effectively and achieve better results.


HubSpot is a platform that can help sales and marketing work better together. With HubSpot, sales and marketing can easily share data and insights, which allows them to work together more effectively and qualify more leads.


HubSpot also allows you to create customized workflows. With customized workflows, sales and marketing can develop processes that are specific to their needs. This can help to improve communication between sales and marketing and help them to close more deals.


Finally, HubSpot also comes with a variety of reports and dashboards. These reports and dashboards can help sales and marketing track the progress of their campaigns and see how they impact their business. This information can help them to optimize their campaigns and improve their results.


With HubSpot, customer service and sales teams can efficiently work together to improve the customer experience and increase sales.


The first way that HubSpot can help customer service and sales teams work together is by allowing them to share data and insights. When customer service and sales teams have access to the same data, they can better decide how to best serve the customer. This is because they will have a complete understanding of the customer's history and what they are currently doing.


HubSpot also allows you to create customized workflows. With customized workflows, customer service and sales teams can develop processes that are specific to their needs. This can help to improve communication between customer service and sales teams and help them to close more deals.


Finally, HubSpot also comes with a variety of reports and dashboards. These reports and dashboards can help customer service and sales teams track the progress of their campaigns and see how they impact their business. This information can help them to optimize their campaigns and improve their results.


Mailchimp does not have a built-in CRM, which makes it difficult to track leads' progress.


Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms, but it lacks a built-in CRM system.


Mailchimp does not have a built-in CRM because it is focused on email marketing. While Mailchimp does offer some features that can help you track leads' progress, it does not have the same level of functionality as a dedicated CRM system. Mailchimp incredibly dependent on other apps, causing your tech stack to grow quickly.


This makes it difficult to track leads' progress and see how they interact with your brand.


Marketers need to track leads' progress and see how they are interacting with their brand because this information can help them to optimize their campaigns and improve their results. By tracking leads' progress, marketers can see which campaigns are working and which need improvement. By tracking how leads interact with your brand, you can determine which channels are most effective at attracting and converting leads. This information can help you focus your marketing efforts on the channels providing the best results.


Without this data, creating targeted reporting or optimizing the customer journey is hard.


One of the most essential things that customer service and sales teams can do is create targeted reporting. This reporting can help them track their campaigns' progress and see how they impact their business. By having this information, they can make better decisions about how to serve the customer best. By not having this information, Mailchimp is at a disadvantage compared to other email marketing platforms.


Additionally, customer service and sales teams should also optimize the customer journey. This means creating a process that considers all of the interactions a customer has with your brand. By optimizing the customer journey, customer service and sales teams can improve the customer experience and increase sales.

As a result, Mailchimp is not an ideal platform for companies serious about lead generation and tracking.


If your company is serious about lead generation and tracking, then Mailchimp is not the right platform for you. Mailchimp is focused on email marketing and does not have the same level of functionality as a dedicated CRM system. This makes it difficult to track leads' progress and see how they interact with your brand. Additionally, customer service and sales teams should optimize the customer journey. By not having these features, Mailchimp is at a disadvantage compared to other email marketing platforms.


HubSpot offers more templates and design options than Mailchimp.


If you're looking for customization and personalization options for your email marketing, HubSpot is the clear winner.


Marketing emails should have customization and personalization because it allows the customer to feel special. When customers feel like they are the only person who matters, they are more likely to convert into customers. Additionally, customization and personalization help to build a relationship with the customer. By creating this relationship, the customer is more likely to return in the future. Lastly, customization and personalization allow you to target your audience more effectively. This means that you can send them relevant content, which will increase their chances of converting.


HubSpot offers more templates and design options than Mailchimp, which allows you to create marketing emails that are more personalized and customizable. This can help you to build a stronger relationship with your customers and increase your chances of converting them into customers. Additionally, HubSpot's tools allow you to target your audience more effectively, which means that you can send them relevant content.


With more templates and design options than Mailchimp, HubSpot makes it easy to create beautiful, branded emails that will get your message noticed.


You can use HubSpot's drag-and-drop editor to create beautiful emails that will get your message noticed quickly. Additionally, HubSpot's tools allow you to target your audience more effectively, which means that you can send them relevant content.


You can create custom HTML emails in HubSpot if you have a developer. This will give you more control over the look and feel of your email and will help to ensure that your message stands out from the crowd. Additionally, custom HTML emails will allow you to target your audience more effectively.


And because HubSpot is integrated with all your other marketing tools, it's easy to keep your branding consistent across your channels.


One of the benefits of using HubSpot is that it's integrated with Google Analytics. This means you can track your email marketing results in Google Analytics and see how they impact your website traffic and conversions. By following your email marketing results in Google Analytics, you can better understand how your email campaigns are impacting your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your email marketing strategy and will help you to see the ROI of your email campaigns. You need to add a tracking code to your email marketing templates to track your email marketing results in Google Analytics. This code will allow HubSpot to report the results of your campaigns back to Google Analytics. Once you've added the tracking code to your email templates, you'll see how many people clicked through to your website from each email campaign and how many people converted as a result. You'll also be able to see which pages on your website were visited by people who clicked through your emails, and which keywords they used to find your website. By tracking your email marketing results in Google Analytics, you'll see the impact your campaigns have on your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your email marketing strategy and will help you to see the ROI of your email campaigns.


HubSpot's integration with Facebook Ads allows you to track the performance of your Facebook ads campaigns in HubSpot. This means you can see how they impact your website traffic and conversions. By monitoring the performance of your Facebook ads campaigns in HubSpot, you'll get a better understanding of how they're impacting your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your Facebook ads strategy and will help you to see the ROI of your Facebook ads campaigns. To track the performance of your Facebook ads campaigns in HubSpot, you need to add a tracking code to your Facebook ads templates. This code will allow HubSpot to report the results of your campaigns back to Facebook Ads. Once you've added the tracking code to your Facebook ads templates, you'll see how many people clicked through to your website from each Facebook ad campaign and how many people converted as a result. You'll also be able to see which pages on your website were visited by people who clicked through your Facebook ads and which keywords they used to find your website. By tracking the performance of your Facebook ads campaigns in HubSpot, you'll be able to see the impact that they're having on your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your Facebook ads strategy and will help you to see the ROI of your Facebook ads campaigns.


HubSpot's integration with Twitter allows you to track the performance of your Twitter campaigns in HubSpot. This means you can see how they impact your website traffic and conversions. By monitoring the performance of your Twitter campaigns in HubSpot, you'll get a better understanding of how they're impacting your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your Twitter campaign strategy, and will help you to see the ROI of your Twitter campaigns. To track the performance of your Twitter campaigns in HubSpot, you need to add a tracking code to your Twitter campaign templates. This code will allow HubSpot to report the results of your campaigns back to Twitter Ads. Once you've added the tracking code to your Twitter campaigns templates, you'll see how many people clicked through to your website from each Twitter campaign and how many people converted as a result. You'll also be able to see which pages on your website were visited by people who clicked through your Twitter ads and which keywords they used to find your website. By tracking the performance of your Twitter campaigns in HubSpot, you'll be able to see the impact that they're having on your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your Twitter campaign strategy, and will help you to see the ROI of your Twitter campaigns.


HubSpot's integration with LinkedIn Ads allows you to track the performance of your LinkedIn ads campaigns in HubSpot. This means you can see how they impact your website traffic and conversions. By monitoring the performance of your LinkedIn ads campaigns in HubSpot, you'll get a better understanding of how they're impacting your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your LinkedIn ads strategy and will help you to see the ROI of your LinkedIn ads campaigns. To track the performance of your LinkedIn ads campaigns in HubSpot, you need to add a tracking code to your LinkedIn ads templates. This code will allow HubSpot to report the results of your campaigns back to LinkedIn Ads. Once you've added the tracking code to your LinkedIn ads templates, you'll see how many people clicked through to your website from each LinkedIn ad campaign and how many people converted as a result. You'll also be able to see which pages on your website were visited by people who clicked through your LinkedIn ads and which keywords they used to find your website. By tracking the performance of your LinkedIn ads campaigns in HubSpot, you'll be able to see the impact that they're having on your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your LinkedIn ads strategy and will help you to see the ROI of your LinkedIn ads campaigns.


To track the performance of your Instagram ads campaigns in HubSpot, you need to add a tracking code to your Instagram ads templates. This code will allow HubSpot to report the results of your campaigns back to Instagram Ads. Once you've added the tracking code to your Instagram ads templates, you'll see how many people clicked through to your website from each Instagram ad campaign and how many people converted as a result. You'll also be able to see which pages on your website were visited by people who clicked through your Instagram ads and which keywords they used to find your website. By tracking the performance of your Instagram ads campaigns in HubSpot, you'll be able to see the impact that they're having on your business. This will help you to make more informed decisions about your Instagram ads strategy and will help you to see the ROI of your Instagram ads campaigns.


HubSpot's pricing is more affordable than Mailchimp's pricing.


For businesses looking for an affordable yet powerful marketing tool, HubSpot is a clear choice.


HubSpot's pricing is more affordable than Mailchimp's pricing. HubSpot offers a wide range of pricing options, starting at just $50 per month, which makes it an affordable option for businesses of all sizes.


HubSpot also offers a wide range of features, which makes it a powerful marketing tool. HubSpot's key features include website hosting, lead capture and management, contact management, email marketing, and social media marketing. This means businesses can manage all their marketing activities in one place, making HubSpot a very cost-effective solution.


Overall, HubSpot is an affordable and powerful marketing tool that businesses should consider using. Its affordable pricing and wide range of features make it an excellent option for businesses of all sizes.


While Mailchimp's pricing is reasonable, it doesn't scale well as your business grows.


While Mailchimp's pricing is reasonable, it doesn't scale well as your business grows. This means that companies looking for a tool that can grow with them may find HubSpot a better option.


On the other hand, HubSpot's pricing is highly customizable and can be adjusted to fit your budget.


This means you can choose a plan that fits your needs and budget.


Some of the different combinations of HubSpot subscriptions include:


- The Starter Plan costs $50 per month and includes website hosting, lead capture and management, contact management, email marketing, and social media marketing.

- The Professional Plan costs $200 per month and includes all of the features of the Starter Plan plus SEO tools, A/B testing, and lead scoring.

- The Enterprise Plan costs $800 per month and includes all of the features of the Professional Plan plus advanced CRM features and a dedicated account manager.


The best HubSpot subscription for you will depend on your business needs. The Starter Plan may be a good option if you're just starting out. If you need more advanced features, the Professional or Enterprise Plans may be a better fit.


With HubSpot's extensive features and capabilities, you're getting much more bang for your buck.


With its wide range of features, HubSpot can help your business to grow online. Some of HubSpot's key features include website hosting, lead capture and management, contact management, email marketing, and social media marketing. This means that businesses can manage all their marketing activities in one place, making HubSpot a very cost-effective solution.


In short, regarding the value, HubSpot is the clear winner.


HubSpot is the clear winner over Mailchimp when it comes to value. HubSpot offers a wide range of pricing options, starting at just $50 per month, which makes it an affordable option for businesses of all sizes.


In Conclusion


If you're looking for an all-in-one marketing platform with more features and a powerful CRM, HubSpot is the tool for you.


If you're looking for a reliable and experienced marketing agency to help you migrate your data and templates from Mailchimp to HubSpot, Lloyd Solves is the perfect choice. We have experience helping businesses make the switch to HubSpot, and we can help you get up and running quickly and easily.


Our team will work with you to ensure that your data is transferred correctly, and we'll also help you to update your templates so that they look great on HubSpot's platform. We'll make sure that the switch is as smooth and painless as possible, so you can focus on running your business and growing your marketing efforts.


Contact us today to learn more about our migration services, or visit our website to see some of our great services. We're confident that we can help you make the switch to HubSpot and start seeing better results from your marketing campaigns.