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Close the Sales, Marketing, and Service Gap with HubSpot Service Hub

Written by Kenny Lloyd | Sep 25, 2022 4:00:00 PM

The HubSpot Service Hub is what, exactly?


With the tools you need to communicate with consumers and address their issues, the HubSpot Service Hub is a cutting-edge customer service platform. Various features are available through the HubSpot Service Hub, including chat, tickets, knowledge base articles, surveys, and reporting. Find out how each of the following can assist you in offering the most satisfactory possible customer service:


Chat: Your consumers don't want to wait on hold on the phone or have their emails go into the support black hole. They will be happier if you can assist them more quickly. Your chat feature supports the HubSpot service hub by providing consumers with immediate assistance. Additionally, HubSpot has bot functionality that helps automate and streamline your chat support. Chatbots can be helpful if you don't have a large crew or are not always open.


Tickets: Not all issues can be resolved with a brief chat. Tickets are offered as a corollary. Tickets are one of the most acceptable ways to deal with a situation where a customer has a bug or wants to share a feature request. You may arrange your requests using tickets, which will help you respond to them quickly.


Knowledge Base Articles: Just because you can respond to a chat fast or create a ticket doesn't mean you should do it repeatedly. HubSpot's Service Hub enables you to find a knowledge base article to address a persistent problem or question. If you work for a SaaS company and people frequently ask how to add new users, this is ideal for a detailed knowledge base article.


Feedback and Reporting: You receive detailed reports on your marketing performance, but do you give your customer service the same consideration? You ought to. You can gather much information on customer service performance using the HubSpot Service Hub. Imagine having a single location to track your ticket traffic, response times, response rates, knowledge base utilization, and NPS ratings. Get the Service Hub instead of imagining.


What has changed for Service Hub in 2022?


Help Desk (i.e., Inbox)


Help Desk on the Go (All Hubs): With these changes, users of the HubSpot iOS app will be delighted! Your users can now provide on-the-go customer support with:

  • Increased mobile CRM connectivity that lets users link contacts to discussions.
  • Comments, email forwarding, and @ mentions.
  • Improved inbox activities and a brand-new design.
  • Enhanced tools for collaboration.
  • Efficiency tools like knowledge base articles and snippets are inserted into mobile replies.


Custom Views (Service Hub Pro & Enterprise level): Have the freedom to design views that will facilitate productive work. Custom Views allow you to:

  • Create views depending on the particular conversation and ticket characteristics.
  • Views can be seen, edited, and deleted.
  • You can widen or narrow your view criteria by using "and/or" operators.


Customer Portal (All Hubs): Your customer portal connects to your shared mailbox and maintains ticket dialogues between customers and representatives while providing access to your company's knowledge library. It can also be modified to provide the best possible customer experience.


Service across channels


Channel Switching (All Hubs): Channel switching enables users to transition between chat, Facebook Messenger, and email on the same thread while maintaining the history of previous conversations for both the agent and the end user. Now that you can go from chat to email without sacrificing context, the customer gets the entire discussion history.




Post-Chat Feedback: Gathering feedback is essential to understanding the client experience (Service Hub Pro and Enterprise). After a chat interaction has ended, support workers will now be able to gather customer satisfaction feedback directly from the chat window.


Create personalized feedback surveys in Custom Surveys (All Hubs) and send them to your contacts. Custom options and questions, such as star ratings, radio selections, and single-line text fields, can be included in these surveys.


End-User Features


SLAs, or service-level agreements (Pro and Enterprise editions of Service Hub): These are essential components of a contemporary help desk, and HubSpot is introducing the most often asked-for features, such as:

  • Working hours
  • Time to first response
  • Time to close SLA
  • Reporting
  • Automation
  • UI improvements to visualize SLAs


Discover crucial insights with industry-standard out-of-the-box reports from Service Analytics (new reports) (Service Hub Pro and Enterprise). This reporting center will help you provide effective and genuine service. The required reports are already embedded into service analytics, allowing you to discover insights quickly and address client issues.


The HubSpot Service Hub: 3 Reasons Why Businesses Need It


Customers' expectations have altered most significantly, first and foremost. Despite their reluctance, people used to be willing to wait in a customer service line. Customers, however, are accustomed to a world of instant satisfaction, where issues are resolved quickly, and communication occurs instantly.


Your consumer is thinking, "Why do I have to wait so long for a response from someone I send my money to?" because they receive messages from friends and family immediately. The HubSpot service hub provides numerous options for effectively meeting your customers' demands.


Second, clients previously relied on you to close the sale. They now consult their friends, relatives, and coworkers before purchasing. Unsurprisingly, they have much greater faith in other consumers than in you. Your customers are your best salespeople, which is why it's so essential to offer top-notch customer service! To encourage people to endorse your brand, you must keep them content.


Last, the Service Hub enables you to gather all your data under one roof. A centralized CRM allows you to change messaging in response to customer service events. Consider this scenario: If a client submits a ticket, do you believe this is the ideal time to send them a marketing email? When should sales ask for an upsell? Naturally not! Your ability to use customer service data to market and sell more successfully will increase as you streamline your marketing stack.


Who Needs the HubSpot Service Hub?


We can see that practically any business can profit from the service center based on the three reasons mentioned above. However, only a select few companies stand to gain the most.


The first kind of business is a small one that is expanding quickly. Companies frequently neglect customer care for a period because they are too eager to gain new clients to divert their attention. Every organization that develops swiftly eventually reaches a point where client demand exceeds the capacity of the support infrastructure. Unfortunately, many companies fail to anticipate this and fail to make the necessary system changes in time. Solutions for customer service are neglected until it is too late. If your business is experiencing rapid expansion but lacks the technology required to manage customer support, you should get the HubSpot Service Hub.


Any business with a recurring payment strategy falls under the second category. Customer service is the heart of your organization in this circumstance. You don't meet your revenue targets by selling the customer the first several months of your product. You earn most of your income by offering outstanding service that keeps clients paying for years to come.


The Service Hub is a beautiful fit for companies using the Sales and Marketing Hubs, bringing us to our third and last point. Businesses can use customer service data to change marketing and sales messaging, as was previously mentioned. This tailored messaging gives your consumers an even more individualized experience.


Now is the ideal time to streamline your IT stack and better coordinate the revenue processes of your company because HubSpot's Service Hub currently has more features in beta. More significantly, it's a fantastic chance to put your consumers' brand experiences first and propel your business forward.