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Choosing the Right Time to Create a Deal Record in Your HubSpot Portal


Do you ever feel like you're playing Whack-A-Mole when tracking deals in HubSpot? You add a new deal, then another one pops up and takes its place. It can feel like a never-ending game, but you can avoid most of these situations with the right strategy. This blog post will give you guidelines for choosing the right time to create a new deal record in HubSpot. By following these tips, you'll be able to keep your Pipeline as organized as possible and reduce the amount of Whack-A-Mole you have to play. Stay tuned!


What is a deal record, and what are its benefits for HubSpot users


A deal record is a sales document that details the progress of a sales process. It is used to track sales opportunities and keep sales teams organized. Deal records can be created manually or automatically, and they can be customized to include the most relevant information to the sales process. HubSpot users can benefit from deal records in several ways.


First, they can help sales teams stay organized and track their sales pipeline. HubSpot's Deal Pipeline view lets reps quickly see which deals are in which stages and need immediate attention.




Second, they can provide visibility into the sales process and help sales reps identify areas for improvement. For example, you may notice that a particular rep takes longer on average to close their deals than other team members. This data can be used to create action plans that help reps close more deals faster and increase sales efficiency.




Third, deal records can be used to generate reports and analytics to help sales teams optimize their performance. Some features of HubSpot's Sales Analytics tool include an overview of the total number of deals in each stage, the average time to close a deal, and a breakdown of all sales activities by user. You can also use HubSpot's Forecasting tool to estimate your Pipeline's likelihood of hitting your goals.




Fourth, they can share information between sales reps and managers. Sales managers want to see a variety of metrics to make decisions about their sales teams. Some of the most important metrics are the number of deals in each stage, the average time it takes to close a deal, and the amount of revenue generated by each stage. These metrics can help sales managers determine whether they need to change their sales process or team. For example, if a sales manager notices that they are closing fewer deals in the later stages of the Pipeline, they may decide to add more reps to those stages. Or if they see that their average time to close a deal is increasing, they may choose to shorten the sales process. Sales managers also use metrics to track the performance of their team members. For example, they may look at the number of deals closed by each rep or the revenue generated by each rep. This information can help them identify which reps are performing well and which need improvement.


Fifth, they also help sales teams create a consistent sales process. Consistency is essential for a sales team because it helps them achieve their goals. When everyone on the team is following the same process, it makes it easier to track progress and identify areas for improvement. This data can be used to create action plans that help the team reach its targets. Additionally, a consistent process allows sales reps to focus on selling rather than trying to figure out the process. This can lead to more deals closed and more revenue generated.


Using deal records, HubSpot users can improve their sales performance and better manage their sales pipeline.

How to create a deal record in your HubSpot portal


Creating a deal record in your HubSpot portal is easy! Log in to your account and click on the "Deals" tab. Then, click on the "Create Deal" button. Next, fill out the required information, including the contact information for the deal, the expected close date, and the amount of the deal. Finally, click the "Create Deal" button to save your changes. That's it! Now you know how to create a deal record in your HubSpot portal.


With Sales Hub Professional, you can also automatically create Deals through Workflows. For example, if someone books on your "Request a Demo" Form, a Deal would automatically be created in the "Appointment Scheduled" stage, associated with the Contact who booked and the Company they work for. This saves the manual time of creating a Deal and ensures consistency in the Deal creation process.

Guidelines for choosing the right time to create a deal record in your HubSpot portal


You've just landed a new lead and are excited to start working with them. But before you create a deal record in your HubSpot portal, there are a few things you should take into consideration.


Firstly, you'll want to ensure that the lead has requested a demo. If they haven't, likely, they're not yet ready to engage with your product or service. Continue to send them nurturing emails with links to book a demo, and then create the deal record when they book a demo.




Secondly, you'll want to check that the lead meets all your qualifications. This will ensure that they're a good fit for your business and that they're likely to convert into a paying customer. Use HubSpot's lead scoring tool to help you determine if the lead is qualified. What forms have they submitted? Have they responded to any of your emails? Were they previously pursued as an opportunity, but it was bad timing?


Once you've considered these factors, you'll be better positioned to decide whether to create a deal record in HubSpot. Remember, while it may be tempting to create a Deal as soon as you think there's a chance of them becoming a customer, creating a bunch of Deals that don't ultimately close will end up hurting your deal-close ratio, cause you to waste time reaching out to leads that genuinely aren't qualified, and ultimately hurt your individual sales performance.

Tips for optimizing your deal records for better results


Maintaining accurate records of your business dealings is critical to success, but sifting through a cluttered database can be time-consuming and frustrating. You can quickly view relevant information and make better decisions by taking some simple steps to optimize your records.


Start by creating separate fields for the different types of deals you're tracking. This will allow you to quickly filter by deal type, stage, or other criteria. With those fields created, you can customize your Deal view to see the deal information you need promptly. In the "About this Deal" section of HubSpot, you'll also be able to edit these fields rapidly.


Next, add custom tags to categorize your deals further. For example, you could tag deals that are "high value" or "long term." HubSpot tags are done via radio, dropdown, or multiple select property types. These property types help standardize values, run automation, and create reports consistently.


Finally, use notes and attachments to keep track of necessary details. By organizing your records, you'll be able to work more efficiently and make better decisions for your business. HubSpot's notes feature is a great place to jot down essential details or attach any documents related to the deal. You can also build reports based on notes.

Examples of practical use cases for deal records in business


The modern business world is a fast-paced and competitive environment, which is why it's so important to have a system in place for tracking deals. Deal records can provide a wealth of information that can be used to improve your chances of success in negotiations.


For example, a marketing agency working on getting a client to agree to a monthly retainer can use deal records to track the progress of the negotiations. This information can then be used to tailor their approach and increase the chances of reaching an agreement. Knowing where a prospect is in their deal process will also allow the marketing team to facilitate your efforts by sending tailored content that is likely relevant to the decisions they're making at that stage of the sales process.


In addition, deal records can also be used to track the performance of your sales team. This information can help you identify areas where your team is struggling and make necessary changes.


In addition, deal records can also be used to track the performance of your sales team. This information can help you identify areas where your team is struggling and make necessary changes. One way to use this information is to compare the average deal size of closed deals against those still in progress. This will give you an idea of where most of your deals are falling through. Alternatively, you could look at the average time it takes to close a deal and see if there are any particular stages where most deals are getting stuck.


Ultimately, deal records are a valuable tool that can be used in various ways to improve your business's bottom line. By taking advantage of these features, you'll be able to make more informed decisions and increase your chances of success.

In conclusion


As you can see, there are many benefits to using deal records in your HubSpot portal. Not only will they help you keep track of important information about each sale, but they can also help optimize your sales process and improve your results. If you're interested in learning more about how deal records can work for you or would like some help setting them up, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'd be happy to discuss how we could partner with you to get the most out of your sales process. Thanks for reading!


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